Education center
Since 1999, Russian Venture Capital Association in close cooperation with "Innovation Management Center" has been promoting the technological innovation activities in the small and medium business sphere by means of providing informational, consulting, and educational support for small and medium enterprises of scientific and technological sphere (SMEs STS) as well as by rendering them assistance in cooperative networking both in Russia and abroad.
Creation of "Innovation Management Center" in December 1994 was dictated by the necessity to support the projects’ and SMEs’ managers with taking into account:
- market economy demands;
- peculiarities of high-tech projects management in Russia;
- current investment situation in small and medium business;
- industry conditions in Saint Petersburg.
For achieving the goals stated, the "Innovation Management Center" develops the following branches of its activities:
- business training under special programs for managers of technological innovation SMEs;
- informational and educational support for managers of innovation projects;
- consulting and other services for scientific and technological firms in the sphere of technologies transfer and commercialization;
- search for strategic partners in Russia and abroad;
- organization of seminars, conferences, contact forums, training courses.