The 13th meeting of the United Legal Group took place under the RVCA aegis
On February 7, the next, 13th in succession, United Legal Group (ULG) meeting was conducted under the RVCA aegis, in which the representatives of a number of private equity and venture capital funds, institutes of development, law firms, and infrastructure organizations took part.12.02.2014
FPI RVC exited from "Medkontrastsintez" project
RVC Seed Fund (RVC SF) successfully exited from the "Medkontrastsintez" company's capital, having sold the share in the project at 34,7% profitability of the investment. The buyer of the RVC SF's stock was "TONAP-Venture" company.10.02.2014
The Russian venture capital market grew more than by 10 times since 2007
EY represents analytical report "The World and Russian venture capital market research for 2007-2013", prepared with the support of RVC.30.01.2014
Market participants designated most significant venture funds in the IT sphere
The fund of public opinion conducted survey among participants of the investment market regarding identification of the most significant players of the venture industry.28.01.2014
World Bank Group’s IFC invests €10 million into Lamoda
Lamoda, Russia’s leading online fashion retailer, today announces an equity investment of €10 million from IFC, a member of the World Bank Group and largest global development institution.28.01.2014
RVC Biofund and Axellance Group came to an agreement on creation of Interregional Center for Sterilizing Technologies
RVC Biofund and Axellance Group made a decision on creation of a company rendering services in electron-beam processing of medical appliances and other production.23.01.2014
Mobile innovative business arrives in Skolkovo
Skolkovo Foundation and i-Free Russian company specializing in the area of mobile innovations and development of solutions for highly safe non-cash payments signed an agreement on partnership.16.01.2014
Global project “Russian Startup Tour” is starting on January 20 within the territory of Russia
Immense road-show Russian Startup Tour is starting on January 20 in Tolyatti, Russia.15.01.2014
Skolkovo sums up the results of 2013
Themes of the issue «SkReview» №12 became the outcome of the work of the Fund in 2013, the Board of Trustees and the achievement of the residents of the Fund. About some events of the innovation ecosystem read below.10.01.2014
Russian venture capital market development 2013: input of RVC
According to Dow Jones VentureSource data, Russia has become the highest growth venture capital market of Europe, having climbed up the 4th place by venture capital volume in the high-tech sector by the 2012 totals. This trend remained in the 2013 too.25.12.2013
Shimadzu Corporation has become the first Japan key partner of Skolkovo Foundation
The Foundation signed a cooperation agreement with Shimadzu Corporation, a Japanese company-developer of new methods of research materials and systems.24.12.2013
RVC JSC and RIA Media Lab created the research project allowing to predict future of a company
RIA Media Lab together with RVC JSC launched the renewed research project FutuReview 2.0. The service is destined for long-term forecasting of macro- and micro-economical activities up to 2100.24.12.2013
Fabernovel launches for Russian start-ups a regular program of visiting San-Francisco ecosystem on the base of its Parisoma incubator
Fabernovel launches for Russian start-ups a regular program of visiting San-Francisco ecosystem on the base of its Parisoma incubator.17.12.2013
Organizing Committee of the 9th Kazan Venture Fair hold a meeting on the issues of the forthcoming event organization in April 2014
Organizing committee on preparation and carrying out the 9th Kazan Venture Fair under the chairmanship of Prime-Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan I.Khalikov hold a meeting on the issues of the forthcoming event organization in April of coming year. At the meeting, the issues were discussed connected with the format of the event, its concept, as well as details concerning immediately the Fair exhibitors and visitors.19.11.2013
United 14th Russian and 7th Siberian Venture Fair has completed its work in Novosibirsk
The United 14th Russian and 7th Siberian Venture Fair was attracting attention of business-elite during 2 days. Key happening of all the event has become exposition of the companies which presented potential of their businesses and were interested in attracting investments for growing their companies.15.11.2013
The Judges Team of the United 14th Russian and 7th Siberian Venture Fair has completed its work
The Judges Team of the United 14th Russian and 7th Siberian Venture Fair has completed its work. Within two days, the companies of various branches were presenting their business. During the first day, the Judges Team members, including venture capital professionals and innovative business experts, were reviewing the companies and evaluating the most prominent ones.14.11.2013
Representatives of RVCA and Organizing Committee of "TECHNOPROM-2013" International Forum on Technological Development signed Agreement on Cooperation
Within the context of the United 14th Russian and 7th Siberian Venture Fair work, the Novosibirsk Oblast Governor Vasiliy Yurchenko and CEO of RVCA Albina Nikkonen signed an Agreement on Cooperation, the main goal of which is promotion of co-operation system between Russian innovative small and medium businesses and Russian and foreign global companies.28.10.2013
The organizers of the United 14th Russian and 7th Siberian Venture Fair instituted a prize fund for the exhibitors that will compete for victory in five nominations
In Novosibirsk, October 25, a session of Organizing Committee was held on the issues of conducting the United 14th Russian and 7th Siberian Venture Fair in the framework of International Forum of technological development “Technoprom-2013”.11.10.2013
The Judges Team of the 4th Don Venture Fair has finished its work
The Judges Team has finished its work within the scope of the 4th Don Venture Fair that is being conducted in the "VertolExpo" Exhibition Center ground. The regional companies which presented their businesses at the Fair exposition had a unique opportunity to get a professional judgment from the experts − members of the Judges Team consisted of managers of venture funds' management companies, representatives of major institutes of development, private investors, and entrepreneurship experts.04.10.2013
The key events of the early-stage investments market will be conducted October 2 and 3 in Moscow
On October 2 and 3 in Moscow will be conducted the key events of the early-stage investments market − the 12th Annual Winter University of the European Business Angel Association and the 4th Annual Congress of the National Business Angel Association.