At "Skolkovo" Technopark the public scientific and technical council is organized
On Monday October 27, 2014, at Civic Chamber at the Russian President, the first meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council at "Skolkovo" Technopark, the main goal of which is coordination of technical and scientific activities of the Technopark on creation of research infrastructure of the innovative center, took place. Shamil Gantsev, the member of the Commission on development of science and education of Civic Chamber at the Russian President, Chief of the oncology department of the Bashkir State Medical Institute (BSMI), Director of Research institute of oncology of BGMI was appointed the chairman of the Council.
The Scientific and Technical Council at "Skolkovo" Technopark will take part in the solution of the following tasks:
- Development of methodology of carrying out examination and recommendations on structuring laboratories and centers for collective use (CCU);
- Assistance in realization of systematic approach to organization of infrastructure regarding assessment by the price/quality ratio for different types of services offered by initiators of the projects;
- Definition of perspective directions of the researches and developments which are expedient to be supported by creation of additional infrastructure;
- Assistance to attraction of investments and effective use of public funds;
- Analysis of CCU business models with taking into account experience of the advanced technological services of the Russian and foreign technoparks and scientific and technological centers;
- Definition of the ways and methods of interaction with innovative industrial enterprises;
- Development of methodology of preparing tenders for purchase of services and equipment with application of corruption-resistant conditions and methods;
- Development of methodology of carrying out examination and recommendations on structuring laboratories and centers for collective use (CCU);
- Assistance in realization of systematic approach to organization of infrastructure regarding assessment by the price/quality ratio for different types of services offered by initiators of the projects;
- Definition of perspective directions of the researches and developments which are expedient to be supported by creation of additional infrastructure;
- Assistance to attraction of investments and effective use of public funds;
- Analysis of CCU business models with taking into account experience of the advanced technological services of the Russian and foreign technoparks and scientific and technological centers;
- Definition of the ways and methods of interaction with innovative industrial enterprises;
- Development of methodology of preparing tenders for purchase of services and equipment with application of corruption-resistant conditions and methods;
- Definition of the participation formats in the state forms of support of innovative infrastructure and manufacture of samples of innovative production;
- Analysis of the ways of the Russian market of open innovations' development, initiation of orders of the innovative enterprises in CCU;
- Assistance to introduction of innovative production of the Skolkovo project's participants in the industry and public sector;
- Identification and accounting of social aspects of the research infrastructure creation;
- Recommendations on coordination of the Technopark's activity with the other institutes of development;
- Analysis of the international aspects of cooperation in creation of innovative research infrastructure;
- Coordination of the CCU activity within implementation of joint projects;
- Adjustment of the CCU interaction with regional and federal bodies regarding the state support;
- Forming relationships with the representatives of scientific community and the organizations of innovative infrastructure for involving them in the Skolkovo project's implementation.
Renat Batyrov, CEO of "Skolkovo" Technopark:
"The Skolkovo Technopark is a key element in the innovative infrastructure of the Russian Federation. Important service for innovative companies are the R&D services which are based in our laboratories, the centers for collective use. Just for construction and development of R&D services (technological services) we involved leading experts in this area. They became members of public Scientific and Technical Council at the Skolkovo Technopark. The different views, experiences, opinions of attracted people will accelerate and strengthen the development of our technological services for innovative companies".
Andrey Sartori, director on development of R&D services at "Skolkovo" Technopark:
"The public Council will help to combine efforts of various institutes of development and other organizations, which anyway participate in creation of research infrastructure, for forming favorable conditions of its development".
The development and commercialization of the new technologies fund "Skolkovo" is a non-commercial organization, which was found by the initiative of the President in 2010. The main mission of the fund is to mobilize the Russian resources in the field of modern applied research, create a favorable environment for conducting scientific developments in the 5 areas of technological development: energy, space, biomedicine, nuclear technologies, IT. The project means creation of Skolkovo institute of science and technologies (Skoltekh), research institutes, business incubator, center for transfer of technologies and commercialization, representations of the foreign companies and R&D-centers, premises and social infrastructure, and also the subsequent distribution of the effective mode on other innovative regions of Russia. Activity of the innovative center "Skolkovo" is regulated by the special law which provides to its residents special economic conditions.