Totals of the Third Moscow International Forum on Innovative Development "Open Innovations" and Open Innovations Expo Exhibitions
The annual Forum and the "Open Innovations" Exhibition took place in the capital of Russia on October 14–16, 2014, for the third time and collected more than 15 thousand participants from 70 countries of the world. People's Republic of China became the official partner country of the Forum and Exhibition. Heads of governments of Russia and China Dmitry Medvedev and Li Ketsyan took part in the work of the Third Moscow International Forum on Innovative Development "Open Innovations" and viewed the exposition of the Open Innovations Expo Exhibition.
More than 160 events of business program of the Forum and Exhibition brought together representatives of technology companies, science, education, bodies of authority and management, investors and authors of breakthrough ideas. "Creative destruction: how to keep competitiveness in the 21st century" became a key subject of the Forum this year. During panel discussions, seminars and round tables participants of the Forum discussed the breakthrough innovations capable to reconstruct the markets, defined new prospective models of economic development, exchanged experience on advancement and commercialization of scientific and technical developments.
Several events of the business program of the Forum have become traditional already. Second time in succession within the Forum and the Exhibition, there were the Governor's session, the Round table of rectors of the Russian and foreign higher education institutions, the Summit of technical directors, and also the "Composites without Borders" conference. Ten events took place with the assistance and participation of federal ministries and their first deputies.
Popularity of the Forum and the "Open Innovations" Exhibition constantly grows. So, in 2013, 286 startups were presented here, and in 2014 – just more than 800 startups from 19 countries of the world could communicate to potential investors, show their developments, gain useful knowledge and exchange experience. More than 2000 representatives of small, medium and large business, representatives of 64 regions of Russia, more than 100 Russian and foreign HEIs, 19 international associations, more than 900 journalists became the participants. This year the "Open Innovations" Forum was attended by the guests from 69 foreign countries, but the special attention was paid to participants from the Asian region. In 2014, People's Republic of China has become the official partner country of the Forum.
"The world economy is in search for the sources of development. Today, the ability to create, advance and extend innovations is a key factor of competitiveness. The countries of the Asian-Pacific region have achieved very impressive results in recent years. They are, of course, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore – that brings us to speak about emergence of a new pole of global economic power. Russia – the country which lives both in Europe and in Asia, and we are interested in strengthening our positions in the Pacific region. We are ready to jointly participate in formation of new markets, to become included in hi-tech production chains and sources of added value formation. And here, of course, China and Russia have great opportunities for cooperation", – said Dmitry Medvedev, the Russian Prime Minister at plenary session of the Forum.
The Chinese partners held at the Forum a special event "Dialogue on innovations: interaction of innovative policy of the partner countries", during which the experts outlined the main vectors of further cooperation. Process of the Russian-Chinese partnership strengthening will be continued at the Seventh International Innovation Forum "Pujiang" on October 25-26, 2014, in Shanghai, where Russia will participate having the special status of a country: “the main guest of honor”. At the request of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation – with the assistance of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Sciences – is the organizer of Russian delegation at the Forum. The delegation will consist of 150 people: heads of the ministries and departments, rectors of the leading Russian universities, directors of the state scientific centers, research institutes, institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences, innovative enterprises, funds, institutes of development, leading scientists. The Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Andrey Fursenko will head the delegation.
"Innovations are the perpetuum mobile of human progress. Today in the world there are considerable changes and deep reorganization. It means that innovations have to affect wider spheres, and you won't cope with this process alone any more. Openness, readiness to cooperate and share progress with partners are necessary. Along with deepening of economic globalization, informatization, the countries of the world need to combine efforts for cooperation in innovation sphere to accumulate knowledge and values and thus to solve the problems of development. This is the sense of open innovations", – says the PRC State Council Premier Li Ketsyan.
According to Arkady Dvorkovich, the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, it is necessary to decentralize and make more transparent the system of innovations' development. "We would like to see higher openness both from large state corporations which so far not really willingly buy new developments, from the military who aren't hurrying to share their own ideas, and from foreign partners, – Arkady Dvorkovich said. – And the Forum which we are conducting has to signify the real reveal of innovations for the whole world".
Open Innovations Expo – a global platform for demonstration of innovative technological achievements, studying competitive environment, setting business connections and attraction of investments became the proof for Arkady Dvorkovich' words. Area of the Open Innovations Expo exposition in the "Moscow" Technopolis made 13 ths sq.m. At 84 stands of the Exhibition, the developments of 490 companies from 15 countries of the world were presented. There were working three open presentation zones where more than 50 actions took place. In a special startup zone, which represented the center of the Exhibition's exposition, the projects of 110 teams were presented. Also this year, the Open Innovations Expo became the main platform for the Youth program of the Forum. In the three days on two scenes of the startup auditorium more than 30 events for young businessmen and student's audience took place.
At the Open Innovations Expo exhibition, collective expositions of 19 regions of Russia, among which – Altai Krai, the Astrakhan, Voronezh, Kaluga, Lipetsk, Omsk, Penza areas, the Republic of Mordovia, Samara region, Tyumen region and Khanty-Mansi AO – were presented. Large-scale exposition of the partner country of the Forum and the Exhibition showed the achievements of the People's Republic of China in the sphere of creation of special economic zones, science and technology parks and innovative clusters, development of space branch, nuclear power, the ICT technologies and new power sources.
As the secretary of state – the deputy Minister of economic development of Russia Oleg Fomichev noted, one of the main values of the Forum were its speakers. This year, despite all foreign policy difficulties, the level of invited speakers was very high. "At the "Open Innovations" three Nobel Prize laureates, heads of governments of Russia and China, stars of the first magnitude in the field of science and innovations acted", – Oleg Fomichev said.
Key speakers of the Forum became: Richard Roberts, New England Biolabs, the Nobel Prize laureate in chemistry of 1993; Curt Vyutrikh, University EZH Zürich, Scripps Research Institute, the Nobel Prize laureate in chemistry of 2002; Zhores Alfyorov, Vice-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the academician, the Nobel Prize laureate on physics 2000; Bertrán Picar, Solar Impulse; Ekard Foltin, Bayer MaterialScience AG; Bu Andersson, JSC AVTOVAZ; Dmitry Konov, JSC SIBUR; Guo Ping, Huawei; Joe Lew, 3M; Henry Itskovits, H-STAR Institute, Stanford University; Rupert Kily, Paypal; Dominik Fasch; Sophia Antipolis, and many other representatives of science and business.
All of them evaluated very positively work of the "Open Innovations" Forum. "Russia shakes up by its innovations and creative potential. I hope that cooperation in innovations will help us to reach in common bright future", – says Ralf Simon – CEO and founder of Mobilium Global; founder, Honorary Chairman, Mobile Entertainment Forum (MEF Mobile); ambassador of Association of manufacturers of cellular telecommunication systems (CTIA).
Successful experience of the foreign colleagues who have already realized the breakthrough ideas is valuable motivation for young Russian businessmen engaged in creating startups. "Innovations arise within us. To realize idea, it is necessary to define what you know, to add in what you trust, to determine a paradigm of development and to make everything in a different way – as nobody have done before you, – Bertrán Picar – the inventor, the head and pilot of the Solar Impulse project shares his innovative formula. – But it is necessary to remember that we are responsible for everything that we create, so let's develop innovations together".
"The researches in some scientific and technical areas which are being conducted now in the different countries can be joined in a whole, having achieved much higher effect, – the Vice-Chairman of Board of Directors, the acting Executive Director of Huawei Guo Ping supports the theme of countries’ association. – I am sure that Russia in the nearest years will be able to become a strongest innovative region, known not less than Silicon Valley or Shenzhen".
The Third Moscow International Forum on Innovative Development "Open Innovations" confirmed its status of a global discussion platform in the sphere of innovations, having provided to the guests and participants ample opportunities for exchanging experience, establishing business contacts, demonstrating the achieved success and elaborating common vision of development of technologies. The Forum demonstrated achievements of Russia in the field of scientific and technical development and aspiration to openness and innovative cooperation between the countries strengthening.
Photobank of the Forum "Open Innovations":
About «Forum of Innovations Fund»
«Forum of Innovations» Fund – is the operator of Moscow International Forum on Innovative Development "Open Innovations" and Open Innovations Expo Exhibitions, the global discussion platform devoted to the latest technologies and prospects of international cooperation in the field of innovations. The Forum and the Exhibition are held under the auspices of the Government of Russia, with the assistance of Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and with participation of the Government of Moscow as well as of the Russian institutes of development: RUSNANO Group, State Corporation "Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank)", JSC RVC, Fund for development of the Center of development and commercialization of new technologies, Fund for assistance to development of small forms of the enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere, Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization "Agency of strategic initiatives" and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia.
Detailed information – on the site