Business-show Forum: how to bring your business to a qualitatively new level
The largest business forum in Russia and the CIS aimed at increase of competences in the area of business management and effective strategy of business development will be held October 29 – November 01.
The Russian Business Show 2014 is a unique experience, effective strategies, useful tools which really work, and also practical cases from the leading businessmen and top managers of Russia and the CIS.
At the largest in Russia and the CIS show-forum, within discussions and round tables, the spheres of HR, marketing, advertizing, PR and business will be reviewed.
The audience of the forum will include proprietors of businesses, managers and owners of companies, CEOs, and individual entrepreneurs.
The main subjects at the forum will become:
- Major aim of a business. Mission as catalyst of excess profit;
- Effective organization of time in business and life. Management without a time machine;
- Company number 1: how to become the best in the industry;
Balance in business and life. How a leader can keep balance.
At the forum the most topical issues in the field of management, marketing, increase of sales level, public relations, and team building will also be discussed. Businessman, entrepreneur and manager will receive practical recommendations about all issues exciting them.
The number of places is limited!
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