"TehUspeh" designated the fastest growing Russian companies
In the framework of the III Moscow International Forum of Innovative Development "Open Innovations", the National Rating "TehUspeh-2014" was summed up on October 15. CEOs of leading companies took part in the discussion on the obstacles and prospects for domestic technologies' development with the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Arkady Dvorkovich, State Secretary – Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Oleg Fomichev, and CEO, Chairman of the Board of Directors of RVC Igor Agamirzyan.
The "TehUspeh" National Rating of Russian emerging high-tech companies was organized by RVC jointly with the Association of innovative regions of Russia (AIRR) in partnership with PwC and SME Bank which joined the project in 2014. The rating defines the leaders who are capable of playing a key role in the development and modernization of domestic technology industries in the future.
This year, enrollment in "TehUspeh" was filed by 110 companies, 80 of which were selected according to their eligibility. Average total revenue of the companies included in the Top-50 ranking is 1.7 billion rubles, while the share of new products accounts for 53% of the revenue. Share of the expenditure for technical innovations in Russian "Gazelles" accounts for 22%, the expenditure for R&D – 11%. Growth rates of the companies included in the 2014 ranking amounted to 34% as against 2013.
The top ten leaders include the companies "Novomet-Perm", "Interskol", "IT. Information Technologies", "Elara", "CSC Kontur", "Prognoz", "Diakont", CVTs "Technology", NTFF "Polysan" and "Biocad".
The key success factor, according to the leaders of the "Gazelles" companies, are the competencies related to development of new technological solutions, and the presence of a strong team of developers and designers. At the same time, many participants of the rating achieved high results without substantial support from the State, and managed to seriously foothold in the Russian market.
The portrait of a "TehUspeh" participant, compiled via processing of the rating data, will help prospected investors to identify potential points of growth and to assess the most effective investment in the coming years.
"The "TehUspeh" Rating has become not only an effective tool for identifying and promoting successful technology companies in Russia, but also a source of information on development trends in innovative business, existing barriers and inquiries from its part to the State. Rating data and the results of expert interviews confirm the thesis about the international competitiveness of Russian high-tech companies – 72% of them export their products to foreign markets. The export volume is still small: its average share in revenue is 13%. So now the RVC's Program "Globalization of the Russian innovation industry" has developed a number of specific proposals for development of exports, which can be used by the companies – the Rating participants and the members of the "TehUspeh" Club – said Igor Agamirzyan, CEO of RVC.
In the discussion that preceded the award ceremony of the "TehUspeh" winners at the "Open Innovations" Forum, representatives of the participating companies and the leading institutes of development discussed the measures to be taken to encourage development of the domestic pharmaceutical industry, the prospects for creation markets for Russian products and expansion of sales system within the country, talked about improving the aspects of interaction with state regulators in the process of innovations' development. Also at the event, new practical tools to support high-tech companies offered by the "TehUspeh" Club partners were represented.
"TehUspeh" Rating brings to the State no less profit than to business and institutes of development. It is a platform for discussion, the participants of which we are actively listening to rationally spend the budget resources. I hope that in time more and more companies which are worthy of entering the "TehUspeh" Top-30 will appear – said Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Arkady Dvorkovich.
Arkady Dvorkovich also said that, this year, electronics, engineering and high-tech sector were added to the list of industries where innovations are developing particularly actively. Ivan Bortnik, CEO of the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia believes that "TehUspeh" emphasizes the ambiguity of the name of the Moscow International Forum for Innovative Development. "What's going on at "TehUspeh" – this is really "open innovations" for me. There were brought together competent people who know what do they want, not always happy with work of the government and capable of forming their needs and requirements. Here there is an open conversation with competent people, and it's great that in this sense, our Forum is really true to its name", – says Ivan Bortnik.