Open innovations-2014: it will be interesting
One of the organizers of the «Open Innovations Expo-2014» global discussion platform, the Center for innovative development of Moscow, prepared the highly topical business program and a series of interesting events which will be conducted within the Forum on October 14–16 in the territory of flagman object of innovative infrastructure of the city – the "MOSCOW" Technopolis. Representatives of the domestic and foreign innovative community interested in development of partnership in the field of the advanced technological development will participate in the Forum.
The program is built so that to bring the maximum benefit to each participant interested in receiving the advanced expertise, setting business contacts, presentation of ideas and projects.
Space foresight
Famous science fiction writers, with Sergey Lukyanenko, Alexander Gromov, Anton Pervushin among them, and representatives of business community will come together for a fascinating discussion about the technologies and approaches to expansion out of the atmosphere boundaries which will be actual in the near future already. Experts will reflect on whether it is necessary to create just now the space start-up companies and to earn billions on lunar helium-3, Martian copper ore or marketing offices in the orbital colonies? The co-organizer of the event – "Esli" science-fiction magazine.
The event will take place on October 15 in the presentation zone. Beginning at 12:00.
Final of the "GenerationS" accelerator contest
We will welcome you at one of the brightest and interesting events of the Forum – final investment session and awards ceremony of the winners of the National GenerationS accelerator contest. Besides acquaintance to winner projects, you will enjoy musical light show, and unique electric effects from Tesla-FX. The host of the ceremony – the popular DJ and showman Dmitry Olenin.
Investment session will take place on October 15 in the Hall No. 2 from 12:45 till 18:00. Rewarding of winners will take place in the start-up lecture hall at 19:00.
Interuniversity program of training
In the start-up lecture hall zone a discussion "Training of engineers with innovative competences: trend or need? – Practice of consortium of the Moscow higher education institutions" will be organized for young businessmen, start-ups, managers of innovative enterprises, representatives of higher education institutions and bodies of federal and municipal authority. In the center of discussion are topical issues of professional training for new economy of Moscow, and presentation of the interuniversity program which is carried out by the Center for innovative development of Moscow jointly with RUSNANO.
Discussion will take place on October 14 in the start-up lecture hall. Beginning at 15:45.
Subsidiary of the API Moscow platform
In the start-up zone a subsidiary of the API Moscow acceleration platform, where a novice businessmen will have an opportunity to meet professional investors, business angels, mentors and experts to get personal advice on development of the project, optimization of business model, attraction of financing, will be organized.
The subsidiary will be open during the whole time of the Forum work. Zone of start-ups.
Press conference on the Open international inquiries practice
By the invitation of the Center for innovative development of Moscow, the managers of the Citymart company Sasha Haselmayer and Anna Mayo Crespo will take part in a round table "Creating innovations: to stimulate it is prohibited to force", and also will hold a press conference at which will tell about the international practice of carrying out the Open inquiries for the cities of Europe, about cooperation with Moscow, and also about plans of the Government of Moscow for introduction of other new tools which will allow "to unpack" the state order for the innovative companies.
The round table will be organized on October 14 at 14:30; the press conference will take place on October 15 in the press center. Beginning at 14:30.
Stimulation of demand for innovative production
The Government of Moscow will organize the special events where the innovative products and services from the Moscow hi-tech companies which can be used in municipal economy will be presented.
The Map of innovative Moscow
Also you will be able to familiarize yourself with the unique project – the Map of innovative Moscow. This is a search service allowing to find everything that can be needed by a businessmen for creation and development of a hi-tech project in the territory of the city. On the Map the information practically on all science and technology parks, business incubators, accelerators, centers for collective use, centers for prototyping, institutes of innovative development and other participants of the innovative ecosystem of the capital is consolidated.
Registration for the Forum is open till October 10. It is possible to be registered here