Successful exit of RVC Seed Fund from the Diastam project
RVC Seed Fund (SF) has successfully exited the Diastam company. The fund’s share in the project – 5.5%, return on investment – 60%. The “Science, Equipment, Medicine” company acted as a buyer of the RVC SF’s share.
Diastam is engaged in development, certification and bringing to the Russian and foreign markets innovative products for oral cavity care (a line of innovative toothbrushes and pastes). Additionally, specialists of the company have developed a unique technology of photodynamic therapy (FTD) for its use in stomatology. The development represents an innovative treatment-and-prophylactic method, in which, unlike the phototherapy, the wholesome influence of light (in the toothbrush) is amplified by its interaction with photosensitive substance – a photosensitizer (in the toothpaste).
"The RVC SF’s exiting the project is a natural stage of developments for the company and the fund as investor. RVC SF supported the project at the seed stage, and now has made the decision to review profitability of the investments. The Company is faced now to an ambitious task of capturing bigger share of the market. We consider that the Fund has managed to provide the correct balance – assistance to the project and effective result on the invested capital", – Alexey Teleshev, director of RVC SF, said.
At present, Diastam is at the stage of development and application of several models of innovative toothbrushes. Total amount of the Russian market of the oral cavity care means makes 36 billion rubles; annual sales of toothbrushes are estimated at 6.4 billion rubles (21% of the total market of the oral cavity care commodities). In total, about 63 million toothbrushes are on sale in Russia annually.
One of the most serious health care problems in Russia and in many countries of the world is prevalence of the stomatological diseases that have a serious impact on the general condition of a person and are the cornerstone of many other somatic diseases. “Our concern in the market of products for oral cavity hygiene wasn't casual, we understand well the importance of this problem and those prospects which are opened for innovative products in this highly competitive segment of the market, – Vladimir Hudoley, Director General of JSC NTM, says. – Our strategic task is to bring the unique innovative products of Diastam company to the Russian market”.
About RVC SF
"RVC Seed Fund" Limited Liability Company (RVC SF, Fund) was established on October 22, 2009, within realization of the Basic provisions of the JSC RVC strategy. Participants of the Fund are JSC RVC (99%) and Foundation for assistance to small forms of enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere (1%). The Fund is focused on investment in Russian innovative high-growth companies on Russian and foreign innovation and technological markets. The volume of capital under the Fund’s management – 2 billion rubles.