Market participants designated most significant venture funds in the IT sphere
Participants of the investment market designated private assets in the IT sphere as better known, but put on the first place by importance the RVC state fund, – is reported on the Fund of Public Opinion (FPO) web-site.
Method of telephone interviewing of 30 investment market players, including the staff of eight funds, 15 start-ups, one state agency, and also six journalists of FPO, revealed the overall picture of the investment market, and the most popular funds and investors were defined at the same time.
So, the majority of the poll participants agreed that the major players of the market were Almaz Capital and Runa Capital venture funds. They’ve got 20 and 19 votes respectively. The funds were also mentioned as the most suitable and available to collaboration.
The third place with 10 votes was shared between Internet Initiatives Development Fund and the RVC state fund. Skolkovo and Prostor Capital funds (it was allowed to call more than one company) terminated the list of six most known companies which were chosen by respondents. Private investors also didn't remain aside, and by the results of the poll the most known among business angels Igor Ryabenky, Arkady Moreynis and Pavel Cherkashin were named. In the "Major IT Companies" category the leading positions were taken by IT companies – Yandex, Mail.Ru, Microsoft, Cisco and IBM.
General condition of the venture market caused some divergence of opinion. Part of the experts agreed that the market only is being formed at early investment stages while the other part considered the market to be enough mature already. Among promising directions in which the market should start to develop, the poll participants pointed the following: searching niche in the world venture capital market, supporting projects at the early stages, increasing number of investments into cloud services, high-quality work in the sphere of data security and development of mobile technologies.