Global project “Russian Startup Tour” is starting on January 20 within the territory of Russia
Immense road-show Russian Startup Tour is starting on January 20 in Tolyatti, Russia. It will be conducted in 26 Russian cities and include abundance of projects connected with energy efficiency, pharmaceutics, biomedicine, new materials, as well as with informational, cosmic, and nuclear technologies.
The main purpose of the road-show organizers (Skolkovo, RVC, Rosmolodezh, RUSNANO) is formation in each city of start-up networks involving young talented entrepreneurs and authors of innovative projects, investors, representatives of technoparks, top-level regional universities and scientific institutes.
Within three months period, in each city on the Russian StartUp Tour’s map, one-day meetings of headliners and the Tour experts with young entrepreneurs and authors of innovative projects will take place. The participants will be familiarized with the Russian and foreign practices of stage-by-stage bringing a project to the start-up level; the potentialities of Russian institutes of development in supporting projects and start-up teams will be presented; the participants will have opportunities to be educated in investment passport preparation, to pass preliminary expertise, and to get appraisal of their projects.
“This time we’ll go to 26 Russian cities and focus, as it was the last year, on start-ups and their interactions with mentors, investors, scientific community, etc. We are planning to make this event even more accessible for each Russian Startup Tour participant with minimum needless bureaucracy and maximum involvement in the process. I don’t have any doubt in that each road-show participant will derive much of beneficial and interesting for himself,” – said Pekka A. Viljakainen, the organizing committee Chairman, Counselor of the President of Skolkovo Foundation, in his video message.