To ensure accomplishing its tasks, the Association actively cooperates with the leading Russian professional organizations and institutes of development as well as the institutes of higher education and government bodies both locally and at the federal level.
Agreement of Cooperation between Association of technoparks in the high technologies sphere and RVCA
June 4, 2015
Agreement of Cooperation between Irkutsk State University (ISU) and Russian Venture Capital Association (RVCA)
February 15, 2013
The Agreement on cooperation of the institutes of develop ment and the organizations concerned in the sphere of providing with continuous financing the innovation projects in all stages of innovation cycle
April 6, 2010
Memorandum of Understanding between RVCA and French Venture Capital Association (AFIC)
November 27, 2012
Memorandum of Understanding between RVCA and Chinese Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (CVCA)
October 4, 2012
Agreement on cooperation between the Government of Primorski Krai and Russian Venture Capital Association in the area of development of entrepreneurship in innovation sphere
April 25, 2012
Memorandum of understanding and cooperation between JSC “National Innovation Fund” and Russian Venture Capital Association
May 3, 2011
Memorandum of cooperation between Russia's Innovation Regions Association and Russian Venture Capital Association
April 22, 2011
Agreement on cooperation between Russian Venture Capital Association and National research university “Kazan State Technological University”
April 22, 2011
Agreement on cooperation between Rostov Oblast Administration and Russian Venture Capital Association
October 21, 2010
Agreement on cooperation between Russian Venture Capital Association and National research university “Irkutsk State Technical University”
September 08, 2010
Agreement on cooperation between Irkutsk Oblast Government and Russian Venture Capital Association
September 07, 2010
Agreement on cooperation between CJSC “Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange” (MICEX) and Russian Venture Capital Association in the area of development of the MICEX Innovation and Investment Market and assistance to investments attraction to innovative companies.
May 19, 2010
Memorandum of cooperation in the area of promotion, development and support of the youth innovation activities and initiatives between Federal Agency on Youth Affairs and Russian Venture Capital Association
July 07, 2009
Agreement on cooperation in the area of venture entrepreneurship development between the Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of RF President in Volga Federal District and Russian Venture Capital Association
June 09, 2009
Agreement on the foundations of cooperation, development of information environment and realization of the measures aimed at increase of entrepreneurial activity of youth in the sphere of science and technologies between The State Duma Committee on Youth Affairs and Russian Venture Capital Association
Agreement on cooperation between state corporation “Russian Nanotechnology Corporation” and Russian Venture Capital Association
October 09, 2008
Protocol of cooperation between the Foundation for assistance to small innovative enterprises (FASIE) and Russian Venture Capital Association on the development of venture capital financing system with the object of commercialization of the early stage companies’ scientific research results.
October 8, 2008